Tuesday, October 7, 2008

[[midterm ari tue sucks!]]

Sengal la.. Itu ari before raye aku ade exam midterm.. It doesn't go so well.. Aku rase cam bangang je.. 1 paper confirm fail sebapkan pakcik tue malu kan aku by accusing me of cheating.. Tapi aku tak ditangkap meniru pon.. Die jerit satu hall exam dengar.. Sume pandang arah aku.. Malu gile ****... That was the worst..

[[mEaNiNg Of KiSsEs?]]


~Kiss on the stomach = I'm ready

~Kiss on the Forehead = I hope we're together forever

~Kiss on the Ear = Your my everything

~Kiss on the Cheek = You look so cute

~Kiss on the Hand = I adore you

~Kiss on the Neck = We belong together

~Kiss on the Shoulder = I want you

~Kiss on the Lips = I love you


~Holding Hands = We definitely like each other

~Slap on the butt = That's mine

~Holding on tight = I don't want to let go

~Looking into each other's Eyes = I just plain love you

~Playing with Hair = Tell me you love me

~Arms around the Waist = I love you too much to let go

~Laughing while Kissing = I am completely comfortable with you


Don't ask for a kiss, take one...

If you were thinking about someone while reading this,

you're definitely in LOVE...!!

Pretty Funny Thing! Haha.. Interesting piece to read.. ;)

Monday, June 30, 2008

[[i LiKe]]

  • If reality is like in the movies.. World of fantasies..
  • Jalan2 with my boyfren!
  • Shop.. Shop.. & Shopping!
  • Flowers: Orchids & Tulips & Daisies & Roses & Sunflowers
  • Cheesecakes
  • People who do nice things for me
  • Kalo aku kurus.. Badan aku fit... Mst best kan.. (",)

[[wHo Am I?]]

  • Name Putri Nabilla Rais bt. Ismail.. Tp bukan "PUTERI" Putri.. Tp "PUTRI" je.. Bukan keturunan.. Ibu saje je nak letak.. Suke Suki.. =p
  • Name "RAIS" tue name i bukan name ayah tau..
  • Kadang2 terlebih jage hati org dr hati sendiri..
  • Suke makan.. Tp minum jarang.. Huhu.. (Tue yg masalah tue..)
  • Malas exercise!
  • Ngade2 & Gedik & Manje.. Tp beragak la.. Unlike some people tue yg menunjukkan ke'poyo'an masing2..
  • Tak suke la cari gado ngn org.. Tp kalo da org tue yg stat.. Bersedia la.. Haha..
  • Can be a little bit annoying sometimes..
  • Makin gemok??
  • Bukan seorg yg "straight forward" bile bercakap..
  • Ssh untuk katekan "tidak"..
  • Tak suke org yg dapat "credit" untuk org lain punye keje..
  • Suke memendam perasaan.. Sukar tuk ku luahkan ape yg terpendam.. Ahax..

Wednesday, June 11, 2008


Tak suke la bile rase mara.. Bile mara rase tension.. Bile tension sume keje tak jalan.. Even kalu assgnment nak kene anta esok & kite lak 1 huruf tak type lg.. Benci la.. Da la tgh gado nie.. Tah bile nak baik balik tak tahu.. Rase cam tawar ati je tau..

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

[[sOmEtHiNg tO tAlK AbOuT]]

Hey Hey You You... Haha.. Orite.. What am I gonna write today.. This happen for like over two years ago.. I have a Fren.. This Fren of mine has a problem that she taught already had past.. But its still haunting her till this day.. Well.. It's nothing actually.. She has an ex-boyfriend who was really sort of "love" her so much.. As if she was the the first Girl that he had his eyes on or something.. Kinda like a first love maybe.. Ya right..

They only became couples for 1 whole month.. My fren decided to break up with her so called "boyfriend".. Y? Erm.. I'm not sure.. Maybe she think that they better be frens and not 'lovers'.. Yuck! But all i know is that he is a real suckup! Haha.. He dated her so that he can show off his 'girlfren' to all his frens.. (Like.. Please! Por Favor!) Erm.. My fren felt really guilty when she broke up with him.. Because when they broke up, she didn't give that guy appropriate reason on why they have to break up.. Sounds like her fault.. But she think its best not to tell the reason.. She don't want him to 'trase' or 'kecik ati'.. The thing is.. She taught he was to fast with stuff.. He's like deadly serious about their relationship.. As if they have been couples for ten years or something.. Well.. Before they were dating.. They've only known each other for like a couple of months or so..
Do you think its appropriate to talk about the future when they've only known each other in a short period of time? For me & her.. NO! Ok.. Back to that story.. He was going to fast.. Bla.. Bla.. Bla.. & he always bugging her.. (That's what she told me) I know they're couples.. But everybody needs some space to be alone right? With him not.. Everything she do & everywhere she goes he wants to know.. 'Rimas' la.....
The point is.. After they broke up.. He was really frustrated with life.. As if this fren of mine is the only girl that he ever loved.. Duhh... (S0o0o0o lying) He said he would wait for her to take him back.. Bla.. Bla.. Bla.. U know how guys are like.. Saying sweetest things but they never mean it.. & I mean NEVER!
After a few months of 'Divorced'.. HaHa.. That guy was like spreading this so called rumours all over the college premises.. I don't think the whole college students knows but maybe only some.. HeHe.. Rumours spread to all his friends saying that my fren is a flirty.. Always flirt with any guy she sees & new boyfrens everyday.. What was that all about? Ah.. Typical guys.. First they say they love u, never ever forget about u & the next thing u know is he's spreading bad3 rumours about u.. Like he wants the whole world to know what a 'bitch' u are..
On my fren's defense, she's nothing like that.. Maybe she's a bit childish & kinda spoiled.. But she is juz making frens with everyone.. She's not a playgirl if u call it that.. She's juz a girl next door who is trying to fit in the new College life..
FYI.. That guy hates her till this very day.. He's so pissed off by her.. Because he was frustrated with her because he loves her so much?? Erm.. I don't think so.. I think its because he was so excited to have a cute (kunun) girlfren & at the end she dumps u for no reason & he was so ashamed (malu beb sebap memule tue bukan main bangge lagi dpt gf cam my fren tue pas tue kene rejek) with his frens that he couldn't show his face to the public.. Am I right? Damn I'm right..
The conclusion is.. Kalu org tue da tak suke da la.. Tak yah la nak ckp mcm2.. Kutuk mcm2.. Sedar diri la.. Just let it be la.. Lagipon bnd da lepas lame daa.. Lupekan je la.. Betul tak sahabatku?? HaHa.. Cube la berbaik semule.. Gado2.. Benci2 org dapat ape?? HuHu.. Kalu time berkawan dulu bukan main lg.. Syg la.. Nak jage la.. Adoi.. Manusia2..

Monday, June 9, 2008

[[y0 h0 h0]]

YooHoo... I'm back.. Today is the starting of my classes.. Back from mid-term break.. (Well, I think it is called that?) Back to this boring old college.. Back to studying.. Back to all the boring stuff.. HaHaHa.. Goin' out later.. Hurmmm... I'm not sure what to type.. So0o0o... That's that... HeHe..

Sunday, June 1, 2008


Saye akan pulang ke rumah sebentar lagi! Tunggu ibuku menjemputku di kolej ini.. Saye sedang nak kemas2 barang2 & rumah nie.. Ahax.. Jap g la.. My fren ajk me SHOPPING this comin' Thursday.. But I'm not sure if I'm going or not.. Jom Jalan2!?.. Hehe.. I mmg nak SHOP pon.. Baju da bis pakai da.. Hohoho.. Tp tgk la.. Nnt confirm kang tetibe tak jd lak.. KECEWA la kalu jd cam tue.. Huuuuuuuuuuuu... So, we'll see how it goes k?

[[eXAm? AdE ApE DgN ExAm?]]

Exam? Tak perlu la risau.. Hehe.. Baru je finish.. Fuh! What a relief.. Jap g sudeh mahu pulang ke Bukit Jalil.. Nak bercuti.. (Ceh! Cam cuti lame sgt jer??) Cuti seminggu je kot.. Hoho.. Tadi paper Management Accounting.. Nak kate ssh mmg SENANG! Nak kate SENANG, tak dinafikan lagi.. Kui3.. (Kecoh saje..) Hmmm... Mmg la sng sebap name pon soalan yg telah diberi.. Lecturer kasi jawapan hafal je la.. Hahaha.. Tue pasal la sebap aku cakap senang lo.. Tak macam paper lg 1 tue.. Subjek Business Environment.. Hampeh! Tak tau la result nnt cene.. Aiyok! Agk seram la juge.. Tak confident lgsg lo.. Hurmmm... I don't know what else to say lol.. Kesimpulan nye.. Mid Term nih 50-50 lol.. 1 paper senang & another 1 no comment lol.. Haha.. CHOWZ!

Friday, May 30, 2008

[[KeDaI fOtOsTaT]]

Wah... Ari nie kan aku 'keje' kat kedai fotostat dlm hstel tmpat aku blaja....! Hehe... Eh.. Keje ke? Takde la... Actually temankan member saje... My classmate lo... Saje nak wat semak kat situ... Aku sampai2 je trus main game... Hehe... Pas game on9 lak tue... Siap wat blog nih, ms & fs lagi... Selamba saje... da la tak byr!! Hahaha... Membe aku dok wat keje... Aku lepak je la... Ye la... nak watpe lg... Die suh aku teman.. Teman je la... Hoho... Aku dok kat kusi nie cam owner kedai je... Hua... Hua... Hua... Aku mahu sambung game la...

[[sAyE Di sInI!]]

Saye da ade blog!